Tuesday, June 24, 2014

New and Old Liquid Level Indicator Technologies

Liquid sensors are used in the measurement of the flow and level of liquids, slurries, powders and granular materials. Level sensors come in various different technologies. There are different technologies used for different levels of operation. Detections can vary, such as there are point level detection of liquids, point and continuous level detection for solids, continuous level measurement of liquids and there are sensors available for both point level detection and continuous monitoring of liquid and solids. In this article, we will discuss some technologies of liquid level indicator devices currently in use in the United States.

Mechanical/Magnetic Float Indicator:

Mechanical float level sensors are mainly used in the measurement of point level detection of liquids. These have mechanically actuated float sensors, when one of the permanent magnets attached inside falls or rises, switching occurs. With magnetic float sensors, when the permanent magnet attached falls or rises, the switching takes place. Float sensors are being used for the measurement of a variety of liquids and corrosives.

Conductive Level Indicator:

Conductive sensors are being considered as the best for point level detection in fluids. These conductors are especially famous for the detection of corrosive liquids of high level such as nitric acid, caustic soda, ferric chloride and hydrochloric acid. These sensors require a very low voltage, and are majorly being used in wastewater wells and pump controls.

Resistive Chain Level Indicator:

Resistive chain sensors are used for continuous level measurement of liquids. Inside this device is a permanent magnet attached inside the float. The signals are sent through voltage or currents, proportional to the level of the liquid being measured. These sensors are being used in liquid level detection in chemical processing, marines, waste treatment, food processing and pharmaceuticals.

Hydrostatic Pressure Level Indicator:
Hydrostatic pressure sensors are highly mounted pressure indicators and are usually used in continuous liquid level measurement. They are used in detection of the level of mostly corrosive liquids stored in reservoirs and tanks of big depth. For effective results, it is necessary to use chemically compatible materials. For open air use, there is a specially designed hydrostatic pressure indicator available in the markets.

Optical Interface Level Indicator:
Optical sensors are used for both, point level detection & continuous monitoring of solids and liquids. These include liquid-liquid interface, sediments and liquids which have suspended solids. If mounted properly, these units can be used in measurement of a variety of corrosive, organic and aqueous liquids.

Capacitance Level Indicator:
Capacitance sensors are one of the best level indicating devices for point level detection & continuous monitoring of both liquids and solids. They are currently being used in pressure sensing of a number of different solids, organic and aqueous liquids as well as slurries. However, their performance can minimize in case of tall containers with bulk solids.

Ultrasonic level Indicator:
Ultrasonic sensors, more famous as liquid level indicator devices, are also very efficient in the measurement of solids in point level detection and continuous monitoring. Since ultrasonic technology is the latest in the field, it is currently being considered as the most accurate and reliable unit and has the ability of detecting viscous level liquids as well as bulk solids.

To learn more about liquid level indicator, feel free to visit: http://questtecsolutions.com/

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